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Hall of Shame

Below is a list of account names terminated for violations of our Terms of Service. Each account includes the time they were removed and the reason for their termiation. (All times are GMT)

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purged2012-05-20 09:38:35Reason: self cancelation, 30 days or more inactive, cheaters
sunshine, angies, liora, nicklla. alvydas, southernchick, lixiongweiliang, hist1789, santaslady, thoria, sandie1234, ninojank, n4bila2012, fata111, dh553545377, carrico, mother1959
purged2012-04-14 07:28:43Reason: self cancelation, 30 days or more inactive, cheaters
xiaoyun500, swetnam1, dtquanit, jacket980570, li842996789, lzty118 mmol20120213, lepentes68, koolpaudel, kttykt1963, sanhareeb, marina, alnpenny3, sukatan, kosatka, gir861, 842996789, somnath143, garycity, deblmatt, tnasting, kmsjay, zhchr2009, ladyfan20, wen13610, carmecha, id2568, dlb1688, ywr1980, capulina, wsfcat
ninojank2012-03-16 08:56:46canceled - says from Macedonia, IP is from China
purged2011-09-01 11:14:13Reason: 60 days or more inactive / cheaters / self- cancelation
dbaron, kmsjay, lqh100904, one5415, mostacholoco, lorreke007, marydiane, greenfrog, lonelyangeluk, debn61, apoc5150, lillith, snowbunnynnc, snape, joe7910
purged2011-07-11 19:13:28Reason: self cancelation, 30 days or more inactive, cheaters
shemundus, beckyteague1974, ladymawwad, praveen, chakri0113, avisinger99, carrico, 906982616, questbux, carioca51, koke, pragashjai, goop888, wlm6899, neuedu, useload1984, wqqnzhuzi, haokoiad, marame, cheekymouse, steveb, microwin, eugenell, betty73008, jaj1995, joanligui, tnasting, wekaholic, mymailcashs, hamdanparvani, dorsin, winterrock, dawnnac, laf384
9069826162011-02-09 07:53:43canceled - since when is Jiangsu in Canada??
4787822011-02-06 09:05:29canceled - selected too many keywords (Birthday month)
jesfalcrysab2011-02-02 07:11:40suspended - didn't select required keyword, need to contact admin
purged2011-02-01 18:25:28more than 50 days inactive
bigdreamer1992, samgen, homemaker2939, sylvesterbeagle, betty, moshe, zman3328, michela780, josemgt4, gipsiecrone, jamaal19605, benicetobears
supafresh2011-01-29 17:04:20canceled - cheater
lucylxy2011-01-12 14:22:51canceled - Japan not allowed
jaandlu2011-01-08 23:54:36canceled - selected more than 1 Birthday month
titujap2011-01-07 16:21:46canceled - India not allowed
jamaal196052011-01-03 12:14:02canceled - after suspension member sent message and informed to be active, but failed again.
zhchr20092010-12-20 07:56:54canceled - China not allowed and selected all keywords
sleepawaycamper2010-12-10 07:21:46suspended - used different address at my other site, need to contact admin
tnasting2010-12-09 07:10:10canceled - signed up too often (different usernames) without being active
gaurav5225002010-12-07 18:09:21canceled - India not allowed
ywr19802010-12-07 07:49:26canceled - Cuba not allowed and IP is from China which is not allowed too
purged2010-12-05 09:48:51vimal2010, sandmoly, supengen, wcc, mdanggui, marealix, laxmanrao, chon2522, 906982616, ladyblackrose, tnasting, lalo00111, blosom55, pe4layo, relientkrocks17, pewterheart, rion400, edsiu, dillilamae

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